God wants my heart

Listening to a homily by Fr Roger (Aug 14),
I heard about the ONE thing that God wants: 
God wants my heart. 
Here’s my prayer doodle:
I hope I get this right. =)
My heart is the core sanctuary of my will, my personality, my values,
my motivations, my desires and my dreams.
There are 3 important ways to give God our hearts.
1. The Practice of the Presence of God.  I have just read this book again.  It’s a great little book of letters by Brother Lawrence, a humble monk who was in constant conversation with God throughout all of his daily duties.  He was able to have the same tranquility in the chaos of the kitchen as he did in front of the Blessed Sacrament and believed that every task he did, no matter how small, gave glory to God if he carried it out with great love.  Sounds like St Therese!
2. Practice Abandonment to Divine Providence.  This is also a book…but I don’t have it yet! 
We are reminded that we need to completely surrender: continually abandoning our will in favor of God’s Will for us.
3. Practice doing the Duty of the Moment.  We are reminded that we are meant to serve God in our own vocations.  He doesn’t expect heroic deeds from us, but He expects us to do the little things that we are called to do…and to do them well for love of God.  This was what Brother Lawrence did too.
Ultimately, we need a personal relationship with God.  He wants to share His Divine Love.  He wants us to draw closer to Him, through prayer from the heart and service to others out of love for Him.

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